What’s your fave flavor of ice cream?? Comment below!
For years I would only

What’s your fave flavor of ice cream?? Comment below! . For years I would only

What’s your fave flavor of ice cream?? Comment below!
For years I would only

What’s your fave flavor of ice cream?? ?Comment below! ?
For years I would only get the “healthy” protein ice cream and get so excited because I “could” eat the whole pint. To this day I see graphics on Instagram showing how many pints of the low cal option you could have in place of the real deal. But I’m going to let you in on a couple secrets….
1️⃣ It’s like comparing apples to oranges. They are NOT the same. The stuff on the left will never compare to the stuff on the right. They’re different.
2️⃣ Having the low cal, “healthier” alternatives & focus on “Look how MUCH you can eat!” you’re really doing yourself a disservice because you’re losing touch with your true hunger, fullness & satisfaction. This is why when you do finally “allow” yourself the real deal ice cream you have NO idea how to stop. It’s almost like we condition ourselves to fill our stomachs to the brim because it “fits” within our calories, macros or diet plan.
Not saying that the stuff on the left is inherently “bad”. I don’t judge someone if they want something lighter & not as sweet or rich or they do genuinely enjoy the taste. Just be honest with yourself in your WHY for picking it. ❤️We shouldn’t feel guilt, stress or anxiety around the real deal option… that doesn’t signal a food preference that signals a food rule.
Me? I stock my freezer with regular ice cream. I enjoy it most. It’s what satisfies me. As an intuitive eater I don’t feel out of control around it, guilt, or binge eat it. It’s just normal…. And it’s much less expensive ?
1️⃣ more thing ? you CAN eat anything. You CAN eat pints and pints of the real deal but… as an intuitive eater you stop more to ask if you WANT to. Would that be satisfying? Would it feel good? That’s how you guide your food choices & amounts.
Ice cream (& ALL foods!) can become normal for you. I have 180% confidence. To start making that your 2022 reality head to the link in my bio to sign up for the free 5 day diet detox challenge to detox your life from diet culture & remove the dramatics from food to eat freaking NORMALLY!

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