Which side do YOU want to be?!
“Tracking everything I eat & overanalyzing it

Which side do YOU want to be?! . “Tracking everything I eat & overanalyzing it

Which side do YOU want to be?!
“Tracking everything I eat & overanalyzing it

Which side do YOU want to be?!?
“Tracking everything I eat & overanalyzing it isn’t thaaaaaat horrible”… have you ever said that?! ?‍♀️I did. Many a times.
It’s easy for us to see our disordered eating habits through rose colored glasses. ? It doesn’t take that THAT much time. It’s not THAT life disrupting. (FYI: if you eat 3 meals + 2 snacks a day and it take even just ONE minute to log the food, that’s 30 hours a year….)
Where do we draw the line with this stuff?! I know I felt that I’d stop being so “careful” with my eating when I reached my “goal”. But that “goal” either 1️⃣ kept being pushed more and more or 2️⃣ never came because it was unrealistic for my body.
One thing that can help if you’re stuck hemming-and-hawing about sticking with intuitive eating or going back to dieting is to think about your 89 year old self. ?What kind of experience do they want to have? What kind of MEMORIES do they want to have? Start working towards that future vision TODAY. Make it happen! ?Delaying starting is only going to delay the joy of intuitive eating. And if there is one thing that not only I regret but nearly every member that I teach in @the_socieaty regrets it’s not starting sooner.
So, what will YOU do today to start?! ?Honor your hunger? Break a food rule? Be more mindful of fullness cues? Comment below and let me know! (Bonus points for responding to someone else and giving them a boost of encouragement- yes.. Even if you don’t know them!)
Need a little guidance? Take the quiz linked in my bio which will tell you what food rule is ruling your life! (If ya don’t think you have them… you’re probably wrong!)

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