Which would you pick today?!  or  or BOTH?
Both of these are fine choices but…

Which would you pick today?! or or BOTH? . Both of these are fine choices but…

Which would you pick today?! ? or ? or BOTH?
Both of these are fine choices but that doesn’t make them the same. ?‍♀️
The coffee drink will likely give you a quicker boost of energy with caffeine and sugar. But that energy likely won’t be as long lasting since it’s pretty simple carbohydrates without much protein or fiber. But, man, could that sometimes just hit the spot or what! So satisfying!
The “meal” of oatmeal which includes carbs, fiber and protein (pair with some peanut butter to round it out with some fat!) will have more “staying power” meaning you likely won’t get hungry again as soon (yay time to focus on your to-do list!). It might not bring as much soul nourishing “joy” to your morning in the way the coffee drink would.
Either of these are fine, yes, but they’re not the same. ?‍♀️ One isn’t “better” or “worse” and you could absolutely have BOTH if you wanted! As an intuitive eater you have permission to pick either. And your choice can change day to day. Removing the guilt from enjoying a rich, sweet coffee drink when you want one is actually going to… shocker!… lead you to a more nutrient dense diet because you’ve met your craving and understand how eating various foods make your body feel (it’ll probably feel better to eat a “balanced meal” on the daily most of the time, right?)
Permission is a crazy thing, folks! ?Diet culture telling you that you can’t give yourself permission cause you’ll be “out of control”? It’s a lie and that thinking is causing the “out of control”-ness.
The next time you want a big ol’ coffee drink say an affirmation or mantra to yourself like ? “Some foods nourish my soul more and some my body… I need and deserve both!” (?‍♀️that’s my fave one!) or “Guilt isn’t an ingredient!”
Link in bio to snag a copy of my free e-book that will help you learn to actually “listen to your body” so that you can understand how each of these makes your body feel so that you can make the best decision for you in that moment. Listening to your body isn’t always “what am I craving!” like Instagram makes you think, checkout the e-book for how to ACTUALLY do it!

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