Green Smoothie Prep Packets
How to “find ” more time each day
7 Days of Pre-ma…

Green Smoothie Prep Packets . How to “find ” more time each day 7 Days of Pre-ma…


Green Smoothie Prep Packets?
How to “find ” more time each day?
7 Days of Pre-made, drop into the blender-Green Morning Smoothies!

What I did for 1 week PREP today:
(You can use ANY favorite combo of fruits or make these for any # servings/days -adjust!)
makes 2 servings per bag:
■9 gallon Ziploc Freezer bags, large tupperware containers, OR large glass canning jars (if you have freezer space…can REUSE ziplocs the next week, to prevent waste)
Add to EACH Packet:
■1-1.5 cups overflowing fresh baby spinach (freezes very well)..
■1 cup organic berries of choice
■1 banana?
■optional: a handful of organic green grapes
{Seal, place in FREEZER immediately. When ready to prepare, place packet ingredients in a high powered blender. You may need to chop banana into smaller pieces. Add 1 cup liquid; such as cold water, unsweetened coconut milk, almond milk…etc.
These are best used within 30 days once frozen.

Have you ever heard of batching?
Batching is: doing a bunch of similar tasks all at once!
When we get in our “groove” with a single task we become more efficient.

Instead of spending 10 minutes EACH morning; deciding, finding, and preparing smoothie ingredients, you can prepare 1-2 weeks worth of your favorite smoothies all at
once-in about 20 minutes total!
umm…add that up!

You just “found” yourself
10 minutes per day,
x 2 weeks= over 2 hours SAVED!⌚ THIS is why prepping ahead is EVERYTHING!
You are also more likely to make a smoothie everyday if it’s ready to drop into the blender!
Enjoy your Morning ENERGY & TIME you just ‘found’!
?-Rachel .
? PIN it!

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