By @diet.culture.rebel When you think of the foods you choose MOST frequently, …

By @diet.culture.rebel
When you think of the foods you choose MOST frequently, …

By @diet.culture.rebel
When you think of the foods you choose MOST frequently, would you say they are nutrient-dense or devoid of nutrients?

Swipe through this one ?? to see that healthy eating is NOT a single food choice! ??

Oh, and can we start calling food by it’s name pleeeeease? ???

Whole wheat bread is whole wheat, rye is rye and white is white.

ALL FOODS PROVIDE DIFFERENT NUTRIENTS ? (saying it loud for the people in the back!)

Some provide MORE and some provide LESS!

Think about your diet.

Are the foods you choose MOST often full of fibre, protein, unsaturated fats, vitamins and minerals?

Or are the foods you choose most often lacking these nutrients?

The answer to that question is much more important to your health than simply which type of bread you choose. ??‍♀️☺️

Thoughts? I’d love to hear them below!


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My name is Bette. I'm a 34 year old female from Turkey. My occupation is a website designer and I work from a home office. I have struggled with my weight since puberty. Still figuring out.

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