Breakfast for lunch because I can.  Workout  , paired with a second cup of coffe…

Breakfast for lunch because I can. Workout , paired with a second cup of coffe…

[ad_1] Breakfast for lunch because I can. Workout ✅ , paired with a second cup of coffee. I’ve already chugged 90 ounces of water today. #feliciacombo for the win. • • • #weightwatchers #ww #wwmoms #wwfreestyle #wellnessthatworks #weightlossjourney #healthymom #wwlife #wwaccountability #bettertogether #healthylifestyle #healthychoices #healthyeating #dedication #healthymenu #balance #wwcommunity #wwsupport #myjourney #wwig #wwjourney #sahm #wwlunch…

Out to lunch at Famous Dave’s and chose a grilled chicken breast chopped salad. …

Out to lunch at Famous Dave’s and chose a grilled chicken breast chopped salad. …

[ad_1] Out to lunch at Famous Dave’s and chose a grilled chicken breast chopped salad. 9 points. Passed on the corn bread muffin…..not worth the points today. • • • #weightwatchers #ww #wwmoms #wwfreestyle #wellnessthatworks #weightlossjourney #wwinstagram #healthymom #wwlife #wwaccountability #bettertogether #healthylifestyle #healthyeating #healthymenu #balancedlife #wwcommunity #myjourney #wwsupport #wwig #wwjourney #sahm #wwlifestyle #wwmotivation #wwlunch #wwgoals…

Chili (0 points), 2 ounces light shredded mozzarella cheese (2 points), corn thi…

Chili (0 points), 2 ounces light shredded mozzarella cheese (2 points), corn thi…

[ad_1] Chili (0 points), 2 ounces light shredded mozzarella cheese (2 points), corn thins (3 points). Love eating from my kiddos bowls. Better portion control and it’s purple ??‍♀️. • • • #weightwatchers #ww #wwmoms #wwfreestyle #wellnessthatworks #weightloss #wwinstagram #accountability #healthymom #wwfamily #wwlife #wwworks #wwaccountability #bettertogether #wwinspiration #healthylife #healthyliving #healthychoices #progressnotperfection #healthydinner #healthymenu #balancedlife #wwcommunity…

Super useful infographic to bookmark & reference on the fly! Share this w/ someo…

Super useful infographic to bookmark & reference on the fly! Share this w/ someo…

[ad_1] ?Super useful infographic to bookmark & reference on the fly! Share this w/ someone that this would benefit! ?? . . Via @caligirlgetsfit✨ . Refrigerator storage times! Keeping your ? food as fresh as your brand new ? Nikes! lol . You can go slightly beyond the times & probably won’t get sick or…

My hubby sees me in the kitchen making a strong cup of coffee 10pm last night. “…

My hubby sees me in the kitchen making a strong cup of coffee 10pm last night. “…

[ad_1] ?My hubby sees me in the kitchen making a strong cup of coffee 10pm last night. “Are you seriously going to drink that NOW?” “Of course not! I’m making walnut coffee cream.” So, I like walnuts and I LOVE coffee, and last night, I tried putting them together. Even better than I predicted. (As…

Chai Chia Parfait with Nice Cream
Carob Chai Chia Pudding
Mix 1 Tbsp Chi…

Chai Chia Parfait with Nice Cream Recipe: Carob Chai Chia Pudding Mix 1 Tbsp Chi…

[ad_1] ?Chai Chia Parfait with ?Nice Cream Recipe: ?Carob Chai Chia Pudding Mix 1 Tbsp Chia seeds, 1/2 c plant milk, 2 Tbsp apple sauce, 1/2 mashed banana, 1/8 tsp ground cloves, 1/8 tsp ground cardamom, 1/8 tsp nutmeg, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, 1 Tbsp carob. Leave in fridge overnight. ?Plain Chia Pudding Mix 1 Tbsp…

Creamy Cashew Chia Pudding
Try soaking your chia seeds overnight in cashew date …

Creamy Cashew Chia Pudding Try soaking your chia seeds overnight in cashew date …

[ad_1] ?Creamy Cashew Chia Pudding? Try soaking your chia seeds overnight in cashew date cream for extra creaminess and decadence. ?Recipe Blend 1/2c soaked cashews + 3 chopped and pitted dates + 1/2c plant milk until smooth. Transfer to bowl and mix in 1/4 tsp cardamom (optional) + 1/2 tsp cinnamon (optional) + 1 tsp…

Quinoa Spelt Breakfast Loaf
Good morning lovelies. This loaf is made with cooked…

Quinoa Spelt Breakfast Loaf Good morning lovelies. This loaf is made with cooked…

[ad_1] ?Quinoa Spelt Breakfast Loaf? Good morning lovelies?. This loaf is made with cooked whole quinoa giving it a moist & scrumptious texture. I also managed to get my homemade spiced date syrup in again! (This stuff is coming in handy.) Tip: I usually mix all the dry ingredients at night so only have to…

Avocado Pesto Pasta + Homemade Pistachio Vegan ParmesanAdding avocado to my past…

Avocado Pesto Pasta + Homemade Pistachio Vegan ParmesanAdding avocado to my past…

[ad_1] ?Avocado Pesto Pasta + Homemade Pistachio Vegan Parmesan?Adding avocado to my pasta helps me stay #avofruitfull ?It’s a quick one to pull together + a family favorite. Pistachio crumb recipe is from @emerson_cooks .Go check out his amazing account. ?Recipe Avo Pesto Process until smooth: 2 ripe avocados, 1/2 c walnuts, 2 Tbsp lemon…

BBQ Cauliflower Steaks, Garlicky Bok Choy, Kelp Noodle Bowl
Iyengar yoga class a…

BBQ Cauliflower Steaks, Garlicky Bok Choy, Kelp Noodle Bowl Iyengar yoga class a…

[ad_1] ?BBQ Cauliflower Steaks, Garlicky Bok Choy, Kelp Noodle Bowl? Iyengar yoga class and lunch with a bff today. Then a bike ride with the family minus the 2 who are still at sleep away camp in the wilderness. Wondering how they are coping. No phone calls allowed. Just good old-fashioned snail mail…. Crunchy kelp…