Let’s talk about belly fat. We all have it, even people who look like they have …

Let’s talk about belly fat. We all have it, even people who look like they have …

[ad_1] Let’s talk about belly fat. We all have it, even people who look like they have abs! Well the reality is you can’t really target just one area to reduce fat, but you can reduce fat overall, and some foods help reduce fat more than others! All of these help! _ Salmon ? has…

Which would you choose?Let’s talk about smart food choices for weight loss…….

Which would you choose?Let’s talk about smart food choices for weight loss…….

[ad_1] Which would you choose? Let’s talk about smart food choices for weight loss….To lose weight you need to create a NEGATIVE energy balance (Romieu et al 2017). This can be achieved via increasing energy expenditure, decreasing energy intake or a mix of both however, ultimately, once energy expenditure exceeds energy intake, a state of…

Lets talk  Your relationship with food. Is your Monday to Friday ‘perfectly str…

Lets talk Your relationship with food. Is your Monday to Friday ‘perfectly str…

[ad_1] ⚠️ Lets talk ➡️ Your relationship with food. Is your Monday to Friday ‘perfectly strict’ and weekends an absolute train wreck⁉️ In the dieting world a restricted Monday-Friday and blow out Saturday-Sunday pattern is a common vicious cycle ? and indicates a poor relationship with food. Essentially dieters consider food in two categories either…

Let’s talk BLOATING…hands up if you bloat frequently .Hands up if you look pre…

Let’s talk BLOATING…hands up if you bloat frequently .Hands up if you look pre…

[ad_1] Let’s talk BLOATING…hands up if you bloat frequently ??‍♀️.Hands up if you look preggo after eating a frozen burrito ??. Hands up if you let your bloating affect you ??‍♀️. Yeah.. we do too!⠀ —-⠀ Bloating usually happens when excess gas builds up in the stomach or intestines. When bloating occurs it’s probably because…

Today I want to talk a little bit about CALORIE DEFICITS and fat/weight loss an…

Today I want to talk a little bit about CALORIE DEFICITS and fat/weight loss an…

[ad_1] ???? Today I want to talk a little bit about CALORIE DEFICITS and fat/weight loss and what’s actually healthy. _ I think most of us know by now that if you want to achieve weight loss, you have to be in a calorie deficit, i.e. eating less than the amount of energy you burn…

Lets talk about hair?!
I have been vegan for 4+ years now and since becoming veg…

Lets talk about hair?! I have been vegan for 4+ years now and since becoming veg…

[ad_1] Lets talk about hair?! I have been vegan for 4+ years now and since becoming vegan I have been committed to finding the best, natural beauty products that are ALWAYS cruelty free & free of any animal products. So personally my hair is dark brown with some lovely gray hairs (its genetics… thanks dad)….

Let’s talk about plant-based proteins- and specifically ‘complete’ proteins  I’v…

Let’s talk about plant-based proteins- and specifically ‘complete’ proteins I’v…

[ad_1] Let’s talk about plant-based proteins- and specifically ‘complete’ proteins ? I’ve had quite a few clients recently coming to me worried that they’re not getting any ‘complete’ proteins in their day. They worry that this means that they won’t be able to build muscle easily on a plant-based diet, or maintain good health. There…

Edamame, tofu and miso always take centre stage whenever people talk about soybe…

Edamame, tofu and miso always take centre stage whenever people talk about soybe…

[ad_1] Edamame, tofu and miso always take centre stage whenever people talk about soybean products. Tempeh is either an after thought or completely forgotten. That is such a shame because tempeh is easily more nutritious and far easier to digest than edamame and tofu. If tempeh is made from soybeans just like tofu, why is…

{NEW} Garlic-Butter Lemony Chicken Zoodles OK..Real Talk. You see us mentioning …

{NEW} Garlic-Butter Lemony Chicken Zoodles OK..Real Talk. You see us mentioning …

[ad_1] {NEW} Garlic-Butter Lemony Chicken Zoodles? OK..Real Talk. You see us mentioning the use of “Ghee” as a substitute for butter in our CFC recipes, but do you know why? Ghee is made by melting regular butter. The butter then separates into fats and milk solids. Once separated, the milk solids are removed, which means…