Green pea pesto + gluten-free cauliflower gnocchi
Recipe pesto: Toast 1/3 cup pi…

Green pea pesto + gluten-free cauliflower gnocchi Recipe pesto: Toast 1/3 cup pi…

[ad_1] ?Green pea pesto + gluten-free cauliflower gnocchi?? ?Recipe pesto: Toast 1/3 cup pine nuts in saucepan until lightly browned. Add to food processor: toasted pine nuts, 2 cups defrosted green peas, 2 tbsp nutritional yeast, 3 finely minced garlic cloves, 2 cups fresh basil leaves, zest and juice 1 lemon. Add 1-2 tbsp water…

Tempeh bolognese loaded sweet potatoes Non-tempeh fans, I have a feeling this re…

Tempeh bolognese loaded sweet potatoes Non-tempeh fans, I have a feeling this re…

[ad_1] ?Tempeh bolognese loaded sweet potatoes ?Non-tempeh fans, I have a feeling this recipe will bring you to the other side!!! Boiling the tempeh first is a game changer and baking it with spices is a whole other game changer. Hope you try it. Wishing you all a fantastic weekend? ?Recipe: Boil 2-8oz blocks of…

Creamy herbed cashew sauce with pastaRecipe: Soak 1 cup raw cashews in boiling w…

Creamy herbed cashew sauce with pastaRecipe: Soak 1 cup raw cashews in boiling w…

[ad_1] ?Creamy herbed cashew sauce with pasta?Recipe: Soak 1 cup raw cashews in boiling water for about 15 minutes. Drain and blend with 1 cup vegetable broth until smooth. Cook 12oz pasta as per packet directions. Drain and reserve 1 cup cooking liquid. Sauté 3 shallots (finely chopped) in a little olive oil or veggie…

Crispy sautéed butter beans, garlicky kale, roasted sweet potatoes and toasted p…

Crispy sautéed butter beans, garlicky kale, roasted sweet potatoes and toasted p…

[ad_1] ?Crispy sautéed butter beans, garlicky kale, roasted sweet potatoes and toasted pumpkin seeds with creamy delicious tofu dressing.? This dressing is also good with roasted broccoli or cauliflower, pasta and lots of other veggies. And sautéing beans is a game changer!!!? ?Recipe creamy tofu dressing: Blend until smooth: 1-14oz pack tofu (use silken tofu…

Lentil tomato curryCurry never gets boring as far as I’m concerned!!! Do you agr…

Lentil tomato curryCurry never gets boring as far as I’m concerned!!! Do you agr…

[ad_1] ?Lentil tomato curry?Curry never gets boring as far as I’m concerned!!! Do you agree??Today is one of those days where my daily routine is feeling more burdensome than usual and all I want to do is drink coffee and finish my book. Hard to do when you have 3 kids! Maybe that’s a good…

Cream of carrot soup (thickened with oats!) and chickpea croutonsThis is my abso…

Cream of carrot soup (thickened with oats!) and chickpea croutonsThis is my abso…

[ad_1] ?Cream of carrot soup (thickened with oats!) and chickpea croutons?This is my absolute favorite carrot soup. I added roasted chickpeas for extra protein but that’s totally optional. I could eat this for breakfast, lunch or dinner…or all 3. Literally all day?. ?Recipe: (Use a large pot.) Sauté 1 large diced onion in a little…

Kidney Beans in spiced tomato sauceThis recipe is super easy to whip up and ever…

Kidney Beans in spiced tomato sauceThis recipe is super easy to whip up and ever…

[ad_1] ?Kidney Beans in spiced tomato sauce?This recipe is super easy to whip up and ever so satisfying?. ?I’m not sure if I told you guys but I took a course in Transcendental Meditation over the summer and I’ve seen a lot of growth in myself since I began the practice. This has been a…

Spinach pasta with zucchini-nut sauce from Vegan Reset @veganreset Made this yum…

Spinach pasta with zucchini-nut sauce from Vegan Reset @veganreset Made this yum…

[ad_1] ?Spinach pasta with zucchini-nut sauce from Vegan Reset @veganreset ?Made this yummy pasta from the Vegan Reset cookbook by @kimjuliehansen .Never thought of blending raw zucchini into pasta sauce before. Brilliant!?I absolutely loved this recipe. Can’t wait to try some more.?This book is a great resource. . . . #veganfoodporn #veganinspo #pasta #plantbaseddiet #whatveganseat…

New Bean Burger recipe: Black Bean Wild Rice Burgers. Happy Monday friends. Reci…

New Bean Burger recipe: Black Bean Wild Rice Burgers. Happy Monday friends. Reci…

[ad_1] ?New Bean Burger recipe: Black Bean Wild Rice Burgers. ?Happy Monday friends?. ?Recipe: Bake 1-15oz can (or 1-3/4 cups cooked) black beans spread out on baking sheet, at 375F until just crispy, about 15-20 minutes. Sauté 1 yellow onion and 1 large carrot (both small dice) in a little vegetable broth or olive oil…

Tofu Veggie CurryYou’ll be happy you made this! Have a beautiful Saturday friend…

Tofu Veggie CurryYou’ll be happy you made this! Have a beautiful Saturday friend…

[ad_1] ?Tofu Veggie Curry?You’ll be happy you made this! Have a beautiful Saturday friends? ?Recipe: Press 1-14oz block extra firm tofu with paper towels and heavy object to remove excess liquid. Cut into approximately 3/4-inch cubes. Bake on lined sheet at 400F until golden and slightly crispy. Meanwhile, sauté 1 small white onion (small dice)…