Cajun Salmon Tacos
Cajun Salmon Tacos ? Taco bowl last night, tacos tonight! Just going to throw in the towel and make it a taco week ? Haha probably not because I didn’t buy the groceries for that but doesn’t sound too bad to me! These had quite the spice to them and I loved it ? -⠀
I made everything in one pan besides heating the tortillas up in a skillet. So not technically a one pan meal but close! Thank goodness we have leftovers because I know what’s for lunch tomorrow ? Hope you guys had a great one! -⠀
healthfood details ?? Preheat oven to 425F⠀
Cut up 2 peppers, 1/2 onion, and a handful of mushrooms. Coat with 1 tbsp olive or avocado oil + 2 tsp Cajun seasoning. Coat the veggies then add to a baking pan and cook for 10 minutes. Remove then add a salmon filet coated with the same seasoning. Bake for 12 more minutes, remove, and make into tacos. I used @sietefoods tortillas, avocado, and romaine