I made you this poem . Apples are red (except for when they’re not ) Blueberrie…

I made you this poem
Apples are red (except for when they’re not )

I made you this poem ⬇️
Apples are red ?(except for when they’re not ?‍♀️)
Blueberries are blue ?(or kinda purple)
When it comes to nutrition. ?
Ya gotta do YOU. ?
? Did you enjoy that?!… Okay, okay I won’t quit my day job and become a poet!
Moral of the poetic story is that when you have a craving or desire, enjoy it! ??? Sometimes that might look like enjoying a plain ol’ poptart because it sounds best. Sometimes that might look like warming the poptart up in the toaster then pairing it in a nice, creamy cold protein shake for a fun nostalgic breakfast that ties some gentle nutrition in to allow your body to feel better ➡️ What you choose can change each day!
Rather than thinking “Oh man! I can’t have the poptart.. ?That’s “unhealthy”! Ask yourself “How can I marry my craving with something to help my body feel it’s best? Will that still satisfy me?” If you can think of something like adding a protein boost and it would still satisfy you, go for it! If adding the little “gentle nutrition boost” would take away from your satisfaction? Just have the poptart and move on! ?‍♀️No biggie! ❤️Enjoy!
The key to sustainable nutrition is the “gentle” part!
If you’re ready to think about nutrition without it feeling diet-y and maintaining your food freedom progress, click the link in my bio to sign up for the free training happening in just over a week! You’ll learn everything you need to know ❤️


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My name is Bette. I'm a 34 year old female from Turkey. My occupation is a website designer and I work from a home office. I have struggled with my weight since puberty. Still figuring out.

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