Good morning! It’s a new week I hope everyone had an awesome weekend!! Anyone d…
Good morning! It’s a new week ? I hope everyone had an awesome weekend!! Anyone do anything fun? I spent my weekend shopping for my apartment, cooking for clients and spending some time with some family and friends. I’ve been pretty tired lately and I’m not ever a napper, but yesterday afternoon I could barely keep my eyes open and while working on the blog I ended up passing out for TWO hours! And I still felt like I could have slept for longer ? Guess my body needed it! After a decent night of sleep, I worked out and made this energizing plate of goods! One egg, three whites, sautéed peppers, onion, shiitakes and zucchini all cooked in ghee. Some berries and a @barelybread cinnamon raisin bagel toasted with some @onceagainnutbutter sunflower butter. Feeling ready to attack this Monday! I hope you all have a marvelous Monday ??
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