I like to keep things simple and follow the same formula (or as close to it as p…
I like to keep things simple and follow the same formula (or as close to it as possible) whenever I build my plates/bowl – A source of carbs, protein, fat and veggies. I usually have way more vegetables than I do today. It is a lot less because I have chosen beans as my protein source. Technically beans are legumes, but they are also vegetables. After all, they are plant foods and contain many of the nutrients (albeit in different quantities) that you would find in foods we typically refer to as vegetables ?????.
Any more ‘typical’ veggies on this plate and the health benefits of the veggies will probably be lost. I only say that because digestive issues will ensue and I’ll probably hate myself for it…lol! I totally get it if you’re confused because a year or so ago, I used to make bowls with heaps of veggies. I could eat those bowls with zero consequences. If I could turn back the hands of time, I wouldn’t have done that. I was most likely ruining my gut without realising it.
✨One valuable lesson I learned is this: it doesn’t matter what you eat, whether it is the healthiest vegetable, fruit, grain, potato, flour, sugar, meat, eggs or fish, you should consume everything in MODERATION. ✨With everything in life, it is simply about finding the sweet spot. Too little or too much and you may find yourself in trouble further down the line?. I hated the word ‘moderation’ for a long time, but these days, it has become my Alma Mata. The irony of life…..
In my bowl: Orzo pasta with kidney bean stew and wilted garlicy spinach. The recipe for this will be up on my blog soon.