#Vegan #Nutrition SLEEP edition! hey that rhrhymed! Since quitting my night job …
#Vegan #Nutrition SLEEP edition!?? hey that rhrhymed!? Since quitting my night job where I didn’t get to bed until 4AM (or sometimes even 5AM ??) I’ve been working on getting my sleep back on track to a normal schedule. Aside from creating a bedtime routine, nixing caffeine after 3 PM, sleeping with a white noise machine on, and using a calming essential oil diffuser once I get into bed, I’ve also been trying to add in foods that aide in sleep!
Here are 6 plant-based foods that can help you get a better nights rest! How many are you including on a daily basis?
If you’ve been following me for a while, then you know I am passionate about sharing #plantbased nutritional info & I do so at least once a week! So if you’re new to my page, be sure follow along & check back each week for all the good info!?? ALSO: If there is anything you want to know more about that you haven’t seen feel free to leave me a comment & I’ll include it in a future spread! ???
PS: I LOVE when you guys repost and share my infographics (& other photos too!) but PLEASE if you’re going to share on your own pages- you’ve got to give proper credit in the first part of your caption & tag me in the photo! It’s the right thing to do! I work very hard on these!! Thank you for your support! ??
Credit: @shaylaquinn •
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