Which side looks like you?⠀
Struggling vs. Successful Dieters ⠀
A lot goes…

Which side looks like you?⠀ Struggling vs. Successful Dieters ⠀ ———⠀ A lot goes…

Which side looks like you?⠀
Struggling vs. Successful Dieters ⠀
A lot goes…

Which side looks like you?⠀
❌ Struggling vs. Successful Dieters ✅⠀
A lot goes into a thriving weight loss plan…⠀

Calories need to be in check ⚖️⠀
Whole foods need to be the focus ??⠀
You need to be exercising regularly ?️‍♂️?‍♂️⠀

All those things matter, but(?) there’s ONE THING that matters more…⠀

Without this one thing, it doesn’t matter how “clean” your diet is…⠀

It doesn’t matter how strenuously you workout…⠀
⠀ ⠀
This one thing is what separates folks who successfully lose weight from folks in a perpetual state of struggle…⠀

That one thing? ——> CONSISTENCY ?⠀

See, you could have the world’s fanciest pants fitness plan, but if you can’t follow it consistently, it won’t help a lick. ⠀
And this is where people get into trouble…⠀
⠀ ⠀
They’ll jump on the latest fitness FAD, and because they’re investing so much ⏰ & ?, they’ll try to be 100% perfect following it.⠀
⠀ ⠀
Which maybe lasts a few days? A week or two?⠀
⠀ ⠀
But something always happens — they slip up, overeat, etc.⠀
In that moment, the struggling dieter does one of two things:⠀

They get angry ?⠀
or get disappointed ?⠀

Either way, they let that one bad meal turn into another, and another, and another…⠀

Before they know it, they’re back to square one ?⠀

How to become a Successful Dieter ✅:⠀

I truly believe that every single person can lose weight and maintain a healthy body for life.⠀

⠀ ⠀
And it doesn’t take another FAD diet or “30-Day challenge.”⠀
It doesn’t take more dietary restriction or strenuous exercise…⠀
⠀ ⠀
It takes consistency.⠀
⠀ ⠀
Consistently smashing the fundamentals of weight loss nutrition (being in a deficit, eating mostly whole foods, etc.).⠀
⠀ ⠀
Consistently working out a few times per week and staying active (walking, taking the stairs, etc.) each day…⠀

Most importantly, when you DO slip up (because you absolutely will), it’s about getting right back on track — back to being consistent ?⠀

And I promise you this —> It doesn’t matter if you’ve had a bad meal, day, week, month, or even year.⠀

You can ALWAYS choose to get back on track.⠀
⠀ ⠀
Refuse to quit, and you WILL succeed.⠀
❤ via @cartergood

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