In case you forgot: No one has ever survived a terrible break up

In case you forgot: No one has ever survived a terrible break up

Just incase you needed this reminder – no-one ever survived a terrible break up without the help of Ben and Jerry.⠀ Love this post from @thefashionfitnessfoodie ?⠀ ⠀ ‘Emotional eating’ tends to fall into the category of shit-people-feel-pressured-to-stop-doing-to-be-fitness. (Alongside beige food and having a fully functioning social life.)⠀ ⠀ I thought I’d give you my…

whatsonmyplate: PUMPKIN CASHEW BUTTER PANCAKES ? ¼ cup coconut flour • ¼ teaspoo…

whatsonmyplate: PUMPKIN CASHEW BUTTER PANCAKES ? ¼ cup coconut flour • ¼ teaspoo…

[ad_1] whatsonmyplate: PUMPKIN CASHEW BUTTER PANCAKES ??? ¼ cup coconut flour • ¼ teaspoon @primalpalate pumpkin pie spice • ¼ teaspoon baking soda • 2 tbsp. @artisanalrganics cashew butter (can sub any nut butter) • 2 eggs, slightly beaten • 1 egg white, beaten stiff (optional, but makes the pancakes fluffy) • ½ tbsp. @parkersrealmaple…

Creamy Stir FryRecipe: yield: 2-4
1/2 cup uncooked rice (100 g)
Fried red oni…

Creamy Stir FryRecipe: yield: 2-4 1/2 cup uncooked rice (100 g) Fried red oni…

[ad_1] ? Creamy Stir Fry Recipe: yield: 2-4 1/2 cup uncooked rice (100 g) Fried red onions mushrooms peas chickpeas avocado 2 tbsp coconut oil 4 cloves of garlic, minced 1 handful fresh parsley, finely chopped 1/8 tsp cayenne powder 2 tbsp tamari or soy sauce Sesame seeds for garnish (optional) instructions Cook the rice…

Hoy en el día del nutri ‍️? te dejo una opción de snack.
¿Cuál es tu fruta fav…

Hoy en el día del nutri ‍️? te dejo una opción de snack. – ¿Cuál es tu fruta fav…

[ad_1] Hoy en el día del nutri ??‍♀️? te dejo una opción de snack. – ?¿Cuál es tu fruta fav?. – Una de mis favoritas es la manzana ? pero con limón y chile ?. – A mis pacientes normalmente les recomiendo incluir fruta como snack ? porque puede ser súper práctica, te da saciedad…

Howdy peeps! Who’s hungry for some springrolls????  got us all covered!!

Howdy peeps! Who’s hungry for some springrolls???? got us all covered!! – Jesp…

[ad_1] Howdy peeps! Who’s hungry for some springrolls???? @raw_manda got us all covered!! ?? – Jesper is glued to youtube live, watching the winter xgames… So I’m squeezing out a couple of hours in my World of Warcraft game ? what are you up to tonight??? . – . #crueltyfree #vegetarian #healthylife #veganfood#nomnomnom #eathealthy #huffposttaste #vegandinner#healthychoices #plantbased #freshspringrolls #unicornfood#rawnice #foodblogger #rawvegan #whatveganseat#healthyasfuck #f52 #springrolls [ad_2] Source

Gesunde Paleo Mohn Muffins  Wer liebt Mohn auch so?
Das Rezept für diese ges…

Gesunde Paleo Mohn Muffins Wer liebt Mohn auch so? Das Rezept für diese ges…

[ad_1] Gesunde Paleo Mohn Muffins ?? Wer liebt Mohn auch so? #paleo #vegan Das Rezept für diese gesunden Muffins gibts bald auf meinem Blog und YouTube Kanal #mrsflury . Die gesunden Muffins sind ein super Nachmittagsnack, wenn ihr Lust auf etwas Süsses habt und eignen sich auch gut zum Einfrieren . Ein Muffin liefert 200…

Triangle smoothie jar  made with vanilla-raspberry smoothie & Chocolate smoothie…

Triangle smoothie jar made with vanilla-raspberry smoothie & Chocolate smoothie…

[ad_1] Triangle smoothie jar ? made with vanilla-raspberry smoothie & Chocolate smoothie ?? I use agar agar to make these triangles ? Hope you’ll have a nice sunday ? • •• #vegan #healthyfood #healthychoices #healthyfoodshare #healthyeating #healthy #nicecream #nanaicecream #banana #superfoods #veganfoodshare #vegansofinstagram #bestofvegan #smoothiebowl #smoothiebowls #heresmyfood #breakfast #breakfastbowl #foods4thought #smoothies #morninglikethese #onthetable #healthybreakfast #healthyeating…

Hey guys! Let’s talk fruit!
Whenever I go to the supermarket, conveniently p…

Hey guys! Let’s talk fruit! — Whenever I go to the supermarket, conveniently p…

[ad_1] Hey guys! Let’s talk fruit! ? — ? Whenever I go to the supermarket, conveniently pre-cut fruit and produce is always staring me down, beckoning me to skip the hassle of whole fruit preparation – perhaps including cleaning, peeling, scooping, and seeding. But the truth is, pre-cut fruit has some major downsides. — ?…

Egg white vs. the whole egg!  this photo shows that there are pros & cons to eac…

Egg white vs. the whole egg! this photo shows that there are pros & cons to eac…

[ad_1] Egg white vs. the whole egg! ? this photo shows that there are pros & cons to each ❤️Truth is though you definitely shouldn’t be afraid of the yolk and here are some reasons why it would be beneficial to have a least one yolk in your omelette: . Egg Whites: 17 calories per…

Time to upgrade what you snack on and keep around the house, car and office.   a…

Time to upgrade what you snack on and keep around the house, car and office. a…

[ad_1] Time to upgrade what you snack on and keep around the house, car and office. @Eatbarukas are the healthiest and best choice nut for weight loss. The same 30g of almonds has 35 more calories and 1 less gram of protein. They taste like a cross between an almond and a peanut but they…