Resistant starch (RS) is starch that m…

RESISTANT STARCH FOR GUT HEALTH ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Resistant starch (RS) is starch that m…

RESISTANT STARCH FOR GUT HEALTH ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ➖Resistant starch (RS) is starch that moves through the small into the large intestine without being digested. While it is not technically a dietary fibre, it functions in a similar way ➖RS helps support a healthy gut by increasing good bacteria levels which produce compounds (short chain fatty acids)…

Have you ever been SCARED? So scared of the unknown that it held you back from s…

Have you ever been SCARED? So scared of the unknown that it held you back from s…

[ad_1] Have you ever been SCARED? So scared of the unknown that it held you back from success? Let’s face it, sometimes taking the easy way out seems more appealing. “YOUR JOB IN LIFE IS TO BE HAPPY.” This was the most important piece of advice my father ever gave me. I always thought I…

Happy SUNDAY! Back in my kitchen and back on the taco grind  Seriously though, w…

Happy SUNDAY! Back in my kitchen and back on the taco grind Seriously though, w…

[ad_1] Happy SUNDAY! Back in my kitchen and back on the taco grind ? Seriously though, was craving some ? today for lunch sooooo I made some spicy shrimp and veggie tacos with a maple-chipotle-tahini sauce (see below) and some fried plantains. If you saw my stories, you saw how I cooked the shrimp and…

Because Shrimp tacos are lifeeee….Using leftovers to make some tacos tonight b…

Because Shrimp tacos are lifeeee….Using leftovers to make some tacos tonight b…

[ad_1] Because Shrimp tacos are lifeeee….Using leftovers to make some tacos tonight because it’s too hot to cook! Throwing it back to these babies from a few months back. Made this 4 ingredient sriracha sauce using cashew butter and it’s FANTASTIC. Wishing you all the BEST night. • • • Deets: two @sietefoods cassava flour…

Celebrating TACO TUESDAY with some color  Roasted salmon and veggie tacos with m…

Celebrating TACO TUESDAY with some color Roasted salmon and veggie tacos with m…

[ad_1] Celebrating TACO TUESDAY with some color ? Roasted salmon and veggie tacos with mango and crispy chickpeas and a quick MISO TAHINI drizzle (recipe below)! Happy Tuesday friends. It’s been a productive 24 hours, had a busy morning and am super excited because my new mattress arrives today ? Peep my stories later to…

SEAFOOD SUNDAY THROWBACK! Happy Sunday loves!!! I just finished feasting on the …

SEAFOOD SUNDAY THROWBACK! Happy Sunday loves!!! I just finished feasting on the …

[ad_1] SEAFOOD SUNDAY THROWBACK! Happy Sunday loves!!! I just finished feasting on the most delicious hot pot….alllll the seafood and alllll the veggies and alllll the sauces. Getting some work done this afternoon/evening. But I checked out and spent some time enjoying this weekend and it was necessary ❤️ I hope you all had an…

You know what’s beautiful? Having the ability to love yourself…unconditionally…

You know what’s beautiful? Having the ability to love yourself…unconditionally…

[ad_1] You know what’s beautiful? Having the ability to love yourself…unconditionally…pure, genuine love with no strings attached. There is a four year difference between these photos…The girl on the left didn’t understand this concept. She was constantly anxious about losing her identity…the problem: her STRUGGLE WAS HER IDENTITY. She obsessed about her workouts/ calories and…

LOADED HUMP DAY TACOS   TWO WAYS!! Happy Wednesday everyone! I hope everyone is …

LOADED HUMP DAY TACOS TWO WAYS!! Happy Wednesday everyone! I hope everyone is …

[ad_1] LOADED HUMP DAY TACOS ? ? TWO WAYS!! Happy Wednesday everyone! I hope everyone is having a good day. My plans changed due to the weather and I’m not heading to Baltimore for Expo, and I’m kinda bummed but I do hope everyone who is going is safe and had fun! Been running around…

TACO THROWBACK THURSDAY! Happy Thursday loves!!! I have been recipe testing all …

TACO THROWBACK THURSDAY! Happy Thursday loves!!! I have been recipe testing all …

[ad_1] TACO THROWBACK THURSDAY! Happy Thursday loves!!! I have been recipe testing all day sooooo im throwing it back to my favorite tacos. Getting lots of work done this afternoon and working on some fun stuff for all of you ❤️ The holiday season is flying by…anyone agree ??I hope you all have an amazing…