Gesunde Paleo Mohn Muffins  Wer liebt Mohn auch so?
Das Rezept für diese ges…

Gesunde Paleo Mohn Muffins Wer liebt Mohn auch so? Das Rezept für diese ges…

Gesunde Paleo Mohn Muffins ?? Wer liebt Mohn auch so? #paleo #vegan Das Rezept für diese gesunden Muffins gibts bald auf meinem Blog und YouTube Kanal #mrsflury . Die gesunden Muffins sind ein super Nachmittagsnack, wenn ihr Lust auf etwas Süsses habt und eignen sich auch gut zum Einfrieren . Ein Muffin liefert 200 kcal…

Egg white vs. the whole egg!  this photo shows that there are pros & cons to eac…

Egg white vs. the whole egg! this photo shows that there are pros & cons to eac…

Egg white vs. the whole egg! ? this photo shows that there are pros & cons to each ❤️Truth is though you definitely shouldn’t be afraid of the yolk and here are some reasons why it would be beneficial to have a least one yolk in your omelette: . Egg Whites: 17 calories per egg…

Egg white vs. the whole egg!   shows in this photo that there are pros & cons to…

Egg white vs. the whole egg! shows in this photo that there are pros & cons to…

Egg white vs. the whole egg! ? @MealPrepOnFleek shows in this photo that there are pros & cons to each ❤️Truth is though you definitely shouldn’t be afraid of the yolk and here are some reasons why it would be beneficial to have a least one yolk in your omelette: . Egg Whites: 17 calories…

Anotha one! By @laceybaier ⠀
Okay, okay…you asked for pineapple  sorbet and, f…

Anotha one! By @laceybaier ⠀ Okay, okay…you asked for pineapple sorbet and, f…

Anotha one! By @laceybaier ??⠀ Okay, okay…you asked for pineapple ? sorbet and, friends, now you have PINEAPPLE SORBET!!! ? ⠀ So. Are you ready for this? It’s 2 ingredients: frozen pineapple and lime. ? Plus it’s #cleaneating, low-carb, and #dairyfree and is it is absolutely delicious! Duh. ⠀ ⠀ Also: I’m just gonna leave…

What’s your favourite chocolate  ⠀
White Chocolate is not actually chocolate ⠀

What’s your favourite chocolate ⠀ White Chocolate is not actually chocolate ⠀ G…

What’s your favourite chocolate ? ⁉️⠀ White Chocolate is not actually chocolate ?⠀ Great post by @movingdietitian✨⠀ ⠀ TOP OF THE CHOCS?⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ All chocolate or chocolate alternatives should be consumed only sometimes and in small amounts. All contain similar calories.⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Yes dark chocolate has anti-oxidants but it has nothing on your fruit…

Cozied up with this warm chai butternut smoothie bowl under a blanket after a ho…

Cozied up with this warm chai butternut smoothie bowl under a blanket after a ho…

Cozied up with this warm chai butternut smoothie bowl under a blanket after a hot yoga ?‍♀️ class is the only place I want to be right now. It’s frigid outside! ❄️ I wish I had a fire place ? Taking some down time today and feeling grateful to have that time! Happy Saturday loves!…

Has a whopping 77% of your DV of vitamin C per cup!
Studies also s…

Cauliflower Has a whopping 77% of your DV of vitamin C per cup! Studies also s…

Cauliflower ? Has a whopping 77% of your DV of vitamin C per cup! Studies also show that cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower are useful for preventing breast cancer in addition to colon, liver, lung and stomach cancers. (Src 1) . Strawberries ? Have a whopping 89% of your DV of vitamin A per cup! They…

Love yourself enough to live a healthy lifestyle!  Which side would you pick?

Love yourself enough to live a healthy lifestyle! Which side would you pick? Cr…

Love yourself enough to live a healthy lifestyle! ✨ Which side would you pick? Creds to @meowmeix✨ Here’s a perfect illustration of why I often steer clear of fast food ? While it’s great to treat yourself every now & then, processed food calories add up quick without filling you up. Not to mention the…

Eat more, weigh less!
I’ve seen a few pictures going around on Instagram wher…

Eat more, weigh less! . I’ve seen a few pictures going around on Instagram wher…

Eat more, weigh less! ? . I’ve seen a few pictures going around on Instagram where it’s like a penis shaped hot dog, bread & mashed potatoes as a representation of what an omnivore meal looks like ? It makes me laugh so hard. . Now the right side of this post is a great…