Sometimes health doesn’t look like a perfectly posed salad, smoothie bowl, or en…

Sometimes health doesn’t look like a perfectly posed salad, smoothie bowl, or en…

[ad_1] Sometimes health doesn’t look like a perfectly posed salad, smoothie bowl, or energy balls (love all those things, definitely not hatin’) ? Sometimes health looks like an avocado thrown on toast because you’re running out the door to grab coffee with friends, and you mindlessly (gasp!) stuff your face while walking in the glorious…



[ad_1] GIVEAWAY CLOSED!! CHOCOLATE SMOOTHIE SATURDAY and a ?GIVEAWAY ?! Happy Saturday loves! I have been eating smoothies on the regular lately, and I am SO happy to have found @projectjuice ready to blend smoothies, because they are filled with REAL and SIMPLE ingredients and they are delicious!! TWO of you will win an 8…

Working on Smoothie Prep Packs
{I add these frozen yogurt + berry packs to the …

Working on Smoothie Prep Packs {I add these frozen yogurt + berry packs to the …

[ad_1] Working on Smoothie Prep Packs ? {I add these frozen yogurt + berry packs to the blender with unsweetened almond or coconut milk, a large handful of fresh baby spinach, protein powder if desired…blend!}???? Ingredients for frozen yogurt: 1/2 cup mixed berries of choice 1 cup Greek yogurt 2 Tbsps raw honey (to taste)…

Call me crazy, but I’ve never really been a fan of smoothie bowls  there’s somet…

Call me crazy, but I’ve never really been a fan of smoothie bowls there’s somet…

[ad_1] Call me crazy, but I’ve never really been a fan of smoothie bowls ?‍♀️ there’s something about having to eat the smoothie that just takes WAY too long for me (although I think slowing down while eating might be the point ?) I much prefer my usual simple morning smoothie in a huge mason…

FORECAST: grey skies and rain but I’m PLANT(ain)ING the BLUE into Thursday with …

FORECAST: grey skies and rain but I’m PLANT(ain)ING the BLUE into Thursday with …

[ad_1] FORECAST: grey skies and rain but I’m PLANT(ain)ING the BLUE into Thursday with this smoothie bowl ? Happy Thursday loves!!! Thoroughly enjoying this overcast humid day, because I’m making it a productive one! Catching up on some much needed adulting…laundry, deep cleaning, cooking for a family pot luck tomorrow, dyeing my hair ??‍♀️ AND…

Cheersing to hump day with my morning green smoothie  I’ve started to add spirul…

Cheersing to hump day with my morning green smoothie I’ve started to add spirul…

[ad_1] Cheersing to hump day with my morning green smoothie ? I’ve started to add spirulina to my smoothie and am always so excited by the colour it gives ? ALSO, I’m bringing back #nowastewednesday by sharing with you that I froze leftover broccoli stems from a few nights ago and added them to this…

Over Eating
Sunday evenings are always a struggle for binging – typically it…

Over Eating … Sunday evenings are always a struggle for binging – typically it…

[ad_1] ?Over Eating? … Sunday evenings are always a struggle for binging – typically it’s when I’m unwinding with not much to do so boredom kicks in. So here are strategies I’ve used – what’re yours? … ?Brush Teeth – this is such a simple tactic and so effective. Brushing your teeth after a meal…

Tropical Smoothie Bowls with Spirulina
#PineappleLove .
{Have you ever tried Spi…

Tropical Smoothie Bowls with Spirulina #PineappleLove . {Have you ever tried Spi…

[ad_1] Tropical Smoothie Bowls with Spirulina??? #PineappleLove . {Have you ever tried Spirulina? Just one serving contains: An excellent source of vitamins A, K1, K2, B12 and iron, manganese and chromium A rich source of health-giving phytonutrients More iron than spinach 600% more protein than tofu 280% more antioxidants than blueberries Health benefits include: Strengthened…

Are you a creature of habit?  I swear I’ve been making this same green smoothie …

Are you a creature of habit? I swear I’ve been making this same green smoothie …

[ad_1] Are you a creature of habit? ? I swear I’ve been making this same green smoothie for over two years now and I still crave it every. single. morning ?? My body wants all the greens and all the fruit first thing in the morning, so I listen an give it what it wants!…