Any of these relatable to you?!
Everybody has a unique set point weight. This

Any of these relatable to you?! . Everybody has a unique set point weight. This

Any of these relatable to you?!
Everybody has a unique set point weight. This

Any of these ☝️relatable to you?!
Everybody has a unique set point weight. This is the weight that our bodies want to be at in order to function optimally and feel best. ❤️It’s the weight that our bodies can maintain effortlessly- no micromanaging, counting calories, weighing food, etc! It’s where we’re not obsessing over food, overexercising and can listen to our natural hunger and fullness cues.
In order to find this weight a few things need to happen ?
1️⃣Give our bodies enough energy in order to get strong hunger and fullness cues
2️⃣Get rid of food rules and learn to neutralize foods
3️⃣Increase body attunement to notice what feels good and what doesn’t
4️⃣Work towards body neutrality, acceptance & respect
5️⃣Implement gentle nutrition to provide needed nutrients
Some people will gain weight to find their set point weight. Some may lose. And some may simply maintain. ?‍♀️ None of these are better or worse than the other- they just ARE. Bottom line? ?When you find your body’s unique set point weight (or rather range!) you’ll find that balance between feeling great mentally and physically.
Ready to stop micromanaging your weight and find the weight your body feels best at mentally and physically? Link in bio to join The SociEATy to do just that (& snag the kickstart bundle!) prices are going up Friday!


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