Drop an emoji of your fave carb in the comments!!!
Low carb diets seem like

Drop an emoji of your fave carb in the comments!!! . Low carb diets seem like

Drop an emoji of your fave carb in the comments!!!
Low carb diets seem like

Drop an emoji of your fave carb ????in the comments!!! ?
Low carb diets seem like a good idea until they aren’t ?… *enter binge eating stale bread in the pantry stage right*.
Taking one quick scroll through any social media platform you can find bread being swapped for a bell pepper or a burger literally sandwiched between two halves of iceberg lettuce.?‍♀️ I give diet culture some mad props for creativity here and, sure, it can be an interesting or fun way to eat a veggie but guess what? ⭐️Your body STILL needs carbs!⭐️
Regardless of what Keto Karen says our bodies & brains ? DO prefer carbs as their energy source. It’s how they function optimally. IDK about you but I like my noggin’ to be sharp- ain’t nobody got time for foggy thinking!
When you restrict carbs your body essentially sends up the bat signal for carbs on carbs. It’s not your lack of willpower. Our bodies can do a variety of things to give us fuel as best they can but ultimately the fact of the matter is this is not how your body was meant to function and not how you’ll feel your best.
While some might lose weight initially on those low carb diets, like most diets, it’s most likely going to be short term.
So what do you DO? ➡️ Make peace with carbs and learn to eat them in a way that feels good physically and mentally. If right now you’re saying “But I will eat them ALL!” it’s likely a result of your food rules around carbs and when you let them go your body will stop sending up the bat signal and you won’t have that strong “pull” towards them that your current food rule ridden self does.
Link in bio to find out what food rule is ruling your life- because YES you do probably have them even if you think you don’t! ? Take the quiz and get a personalized workbook to make peace with food and learn to enjoy carbs again- no bat signal sending involved!

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