Blackened COD and roasted VEGGIE salad! You know what I love about salads? The o…
Blackened COD and roasted VEGGIE salad! You know what I love about salads? The options are endless! They can be warm, cold, minimal or loaded! Typically mine are loaded ?♀️ This Friday salad was killer! I wanted salad, but I also wanted warm food after working outside in this cold and rainy weather all morning. I used a base of @organicgirl arugula and topped it with roasted mushrooms, roasted peppers, roasted zucchini, roasted eggplant, roasted pumpkin, red onion, avocado, turkey bacon and crispy blackened cod. ? I made a creamy spicy mustard dressing with just 3 ingredients! It had @foragerproject unsweetened yogurt, coconut aminos and spicy birds eye chili mustard! So yummy! Happy Friday beauties! I’m thankful the weekend is here! Catching up on work this weekend but also seeing a couple good friends and hoping to get to the farmers market tomorrow! •
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