Credit @diet.culture.rebel
It’s okay if your adult body is bigger than your hig…

Credit @diet.culture.rebel It’s okay if your adult body is bigger than your hig…

Credit @diet.culture.rebel
It’s okay if your adult body is bigger than your high school or college body! ?

It never fails that this exact conversation comes up in my group coaching sessions. Whether my clients are in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s or 60s, this is something that crosses their minds. Not too long ago one of my groups talked about this & how they know it’s okay for their adult body to be bigger than their younger-self body, but for some reason it still feels difficult to accept?

As we age, it’s normal for our bodies to change?

This concept was hard for me to accept, too. Using body image practices that I teach my clients, I learned how to stop viewing body changes as a bad thing. If you are taking care of yourself, feel good & nourishing your body with food, so be it if your body needs to change!?

If I have a challenging body image day & miss the smaller body I had in my teens, I quickly remember how miserable I was at that time in my life. I thought about food constantly, had intense anxiety around food in social situations like dinners out with friends & was a slave to my exercise regimen. I worried more about what other people thought of me than what I thought about myself. I was controlled by my insecurities & attempts to overcome them by always trying to shrink my body (which never worked, btw).

Then I focus on what’s good in my life today & why I chose to accept myself instead of always trying to change myself. I feel good, engage in movement I love & eat food that supports my physical & mental health. Food is a part of my life, not my whole life which feels freeing. ?

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