Which picture represents your day?⠀ .⠀ You can still stay on track and lose weig…
Which picture represents your day?⠀
You can still stay on track and lose weight even if you have some weeks where you can’t meal prep or are traveling. There are so many ways you can do this. Here are some examples:⠀
?You can buy protein bars and pair them with a fruit⠀
? Buy prepackaged nuts and pair them with a fruit⠀
? Buy individual cottage cheese cups and have them with some veggies or fruit⠀
?Have a serving of Greek yogurt with some fruit and nuts for a crunch⠀
Left picture: a bar plus an apple. You can always add more calories by getting a larger apple or adding some nuts.⠀
Right picture: 2 cups of fruit, 1/4 cup cashews, and 5 oz yogurt.⠀
Credit: @grapestocrepes⠀
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