[ad_1] HONEY SRIRACHA TURKEY MEATBALLS AND ALMOND GINGER RICE NOODLES! Happy Hump day loves! I made some miso meatballs and reminded me I hadn’t shared these babies yet. I made these last month a few times and they were DELICIOUS. I used my almond ginger dip for the noodles, which also works well on veggie…

Double tap your favorite lunch combo!  Here is an easy way to break up your lunc…

Double tap your favorite lunch combo! Here is an easy way to break up your lunc…

[ad_1] Double tap your favorite lunch combo! Here is an easy way to break up your lunches for the week and still have tons of flavor. ?? By @mealprepmondays ✨⠀ Monday, Wednesday, Friday:⠀ – Sliced Chicken or Turkey⠀ – Pretzels⠀ – Grapes⠀ – Cheese⠀ – Mango⠀ ⠀ Tuesday, Thursday:⠀ – Tuna or Chicken Salad⠀ –…

We get questions daily about how to get picky eaters to eat more healthy foods; …

We get questions daily about how to get picky eaters to eat more healthy foods; …

[ad_1] We get questions daily about how to get picky eaters to eat more healthy foods; specifically veggies. ??? And, one of the best strategies we’ve implemented and share about often here, is the #loveitlikeitlearningit approach created by @veggiesandvirtue. She talks a lot about pairing less-liked foods with more loved ones and also continuing to…

You can never go wrong with a classic ‍️ Especially if it’s a HEALTHY CAESAR SAL…

You can never go wrong with a classic ‍️ Especially if it’s a HEALTHY CAESAR SAL…

[ad_1] You can never go wrong with a classic ??‍♀️ Especially if it’s a HEALTHY CAESAR SALAD ? Caesar salad will never get old for me ?? But I have a hard time finding healthy dressing that actually tastes good so I made my own! And it’s AMAZING! It tastes like the real deal without…

Hallo Leute  Heute gibt es Essen ohne Schnickschnack  Ich habe eine leckere Schw…

Hallo Leute Heute gibt es Essen ohne Schnickschnack Ich habe eine leckere Schw…

[ad_1] Hallo Leute ? Heute gibt es Essen ohne Schnickschnack ? Ich habe eine leckere Schweinelende in Pfefferrahmsoße mit Schupfnudeln und buntem Gemüse gemacht. Ein sehr schnelles und köstliches Gericht, das sehr variabel ist. Wer es z.b. lieber Low Carb, Keto oder als Trennkost möchte, lässt einfach die Schupfnudeln weg ?️ Habt einen tollen Abend,…

Make Best Fitness Recipes (link in the bio ) .

Make Best Fitness Recipes (link in the bio ) . MISO MARINATED STEAK NOODLES By …

[ad_1] Make Best Fitness Recipes (link in the bio ?) . MISO MARINATED STEAK NOODLES By @real.foodie – INGREDIENTS Serves 3-4 people. 1-2 steaks of choice 250g dry medium egg noodles (around 4 nests) 2-3 Tbsp of white miso 1 Tbsp of cornflour 30g fresh ginger (around thumb size) x2 garlic cloves 5 Tbsp of chicken…

Our boiler is on the blink but being fixed today. As the temperature in the hous…

Our boiler is on the blink but being fixed today. As the temperature in the hous…

[ad_1] Our boiler is on the blink but being fixed today. As the temperature in the house is hovering around 14°C at the mo I wanted something hot and comforting. Found a little box labelled “spicy chicken pasta” lurking in the back of the freezer so I zapped it in the microwave and topped with…

Ce midi, endives caramélisées et bavette grillée. Voilà un plat fondant et délic…

Ce midi, endives caramélisées et bavette grillée. Voilà un plat fondant et délic…

[ad_1] Ce midi, endives caramélisées et bavette grillée. Voilà un plat fondant et délicieux ? prête pour finir la semaine en beauté avant d’attaquer le week-end ? ? ? #croqkilos #healthylife #instafood #homemade #reequilibragealimentaire #regime #instadiet #teamcroqkilos #1500kcal #miam #healthyfood #biendanssoncorps #diet #instafit #health #mangersain #homecook #yummy #healthy #healthyrecipes #maigrirensefaisantplaisir #healthylifestyle #maigriravecplaisir #healthylunch #meatlover [ad_2]…




《優格咖哩薄肉片》  昨天發現冰箱裡的優格又快過期了,趕緊努力消耗它,但天氣好冷不想吃冰冰的優格,正好拿來醃肉啊!  經過優格醃一夜的雞胸肉~香嫩好吃,…

[ad_1] 《優格咖哩薄肉片》  昨天發現冰箱裡的優格又快過期了,趕緊努力消耗它,但天氣好冷不想吃冰冰的優格,正好拿來醃肉啊!  經過優格醃一夜的雞胸肉~香嫩好吃,不會殘留優格的味道,請放心唷。  ⭐️PS.沾著優格醃料的雞肉,建議使用不沾鍋料理,較容易煎成功。  【材料,1~2人份】 雞胸肉1塊 160g  【調味料】 乾燥巴西里(西洋芹、洋香菜)…少許 橄欖油…2小匙  【醃料】 無糖無調味優格…2大匙 鹽…1/4小匙 咖哩粉、孜然粉、小茴香…均少許  【作法】 ❶ 雞胸肉順紋切薄片,每片厚約0.5cm,加入全部的醃料拌勻,密封好後置於冰箱冷藏,醃過夜。 ❷ 將雞肉於冰箱取出,大略回溫至室溫。 ❸ 平底鍋倒入油,以中小火將油預熱後,將雞肉片一片片攤平於鍋裡香煎。 ❹ 2面煎至金黃即完成(每面各煎約2分鐘即可)。 ❺起鍋後,撒些許乾燥巴西里(洋香菜葉)點綴即可享用。  【料理筆記】 ✍️順紋切吃起來口感較不會粉粉的。 ✍️也可以用烤的唷,擺至烤盤後於肉上刷點油,以180度烤約15分即完成。 ✍️肉片切薄片可縮短入鍋的時間,讓雞胸肉也能嫩嫩的唷。  ?便當夥伴:煎太陽蛋(鹽+七味粉)、蒜炒青花筍及香菇、長秈糙米。  ——–無關料理的自言自語——–  貝蒂最近差點被打敗,一連串的不順利,真心覺得很煩☹️  昨天跟同事弟弟妹妹、編輯好友宣洩了一整天的負能量….今天重生了(謝謝好友們…辛苦你們了….?)  ———————————-  生活就是如此,不可能永遠順心如意、天天在過年的。  所以,當處於逆境或無力感超重時,就讓自己休息片刻,調整一下心態及腳步後,再繼續往前走。  或許逆境裡走的慢、走的累,但相信總有一天會挺過去的,因為,我們都有一顆堅強無比的心。  #共勉…

German below  Oven fried potato wedges with asparagus, peas and hummus  Who want…

German below Oven fried potato wedges with asparagus, peas and hummus Who want…

[ad_1] German below ?? Oven fried potato wedges with asparagus, peas and hummus ?? Who wants a bite?. . I needed something quick and easy after a busy day and decided to prepare the asparagus I just found in the store. I know it’s not in season yet but at least soon it will be?….