My hubby sees me in the kitchen making a strong cup of coffee 10pm last night. “…

My hubby sees me in the kitchen making a strong cup of coffee 10pm last night. “…

[ad_1] ?My hubby sees me in the kitchen making a strong cup of coffee 10pm last night. “Are you seriously going to drink that NOW?” “Of course not! I’m making walnut coffee cream.” So, I like walnuts and I LOVE coffee, and last night, I tried putting them together. Even better than I predicted. (As…

Chocolate Vanilla Chia Pudding
I see the layering potential here friends. V-shap…

Chocolate Vanilla Chia Pudding I see the layering potential here friends. V-shap…

[ad_1] ?Chocolate Vanilla Chia Pudding? ?I see the layering potential here friends. V-shapes, slants, polka dots even! But with 3 kids and all the non-glamorous work that comes with that, this haphazard layering will have to suffice. ?A warm hug to Geraldine @eatwithfingers for sharing my account yesterday. There is so much love and friendship…

Pesto Hummus on Homemade Seed Crackers Decided to combine pesto and hummus and i…

Pesto Hummus on Homemade Seed Crackers Decided to combine pesto and hummus and i…

[ad_1] ?Pesto Hummus on Homemade Seed Crackers? Decided to combine pesto and hummus and it totally works…is it strange that I’m so excited by this??? Probably. . ?Pesto Hummus Recipe. Process 2c cooked garbanzos, 1/4c olive oil, juice 1 lemon, 1/4c pine nuts, 1/4 cup packed chopped basil leaves, 3 minced garlic cloves, 1/4 tsp…

Avocado Pesto Toasts
Had this for snack today. Left us feeling #avofruitfull .

Avocado Pesto Toasts Had this for snack today. Left us feeling #avofruitfull . E…

[ad_1] ?Avocado Pesto Toasts? ?Had this for snack today. Left us feeling #avofruitfull . Easy to whip up and usually a real crowd-pleaser (if that’s important to you). ???????? ?Recipe Process 2 avocados, 1 packed cup basil leaves, 1/2c walnuts, 1/2c olive oil, 2 tbsp lemon juice, 2 cloves garlic, salt/pepper to taste. . ….

Creamy Cashew Chia Pudding
Try soaking your chia seeds overnight in cashew date …

Creamy Cashew Chia Pudding Try soaking your chia seeds overnight in cashew date …

[ad_1] ?Creamy Cashew Chia Pudding? Try soaking your chia seeds overnight in cashew date cream for extra creaminess and decadence. ?Recipe Blend 1/2c soaked cashews + 3 chopped and pitted dates + 1/2c plant milk until smooth. Transfer to bowl and mix in 1/4 tsp cardamom (optional) + 1/2 tsp cinnamon (optional) + 1 tsp…

Quinoa Spelt Breakfast Loaf
Good morning lovelies. This loaf is made with cooked…

Quinoa Spelt Breakfast Loaf Good morning lovelies. This loaf is made with cooked…

[ad_1] ?Quinoa Spelt Breakfast Loaf? Good morning lovelies?. This loaf is made with cooked whole quinoa giving it a moist & scrumptious texture. I also managed to get my homemade spiced date syrup in again! (This stuff is coming in handy.) Tip: I usually mix all the dry ingredients at night so only have to…

Cornmeal Porridge Cups
This may be the secret to producing the world’s fastest r…

Cornmeal Porridge Cups This may be the secret to producing the world’s fastest r…

[ad_1] ?Cornmeal Porridge Cups? This may be the secret to producing the world’s fastest runners.?Jamaicans love their cornmeal porridge. Come to think of it, I was one of the 100 meter sprinters for my school track team. Try this healthy version without the condensed milk. ?Recipe Mix 1c cornmeal with 1c water. Heat 2c water…

Chocolate Banana Kasha Nice-Cream Sandwiches Raw, home-made, healthy — Yes, rea…

Chocolate Banana Kasha Nice-Cream Sandwiches Raw, home-made, healthy — Yes, rea…

[ad_1] ?Chocolate Banana Kasha Nice-Cream Sandwiches? Raw, home-made, healthy — Yes, really! Is there more to life? Sure there is?. ?Recipe Blend 2 frozen bananas until smooth. Freeze blended bananas a few hours. Process–1c rolled oats, 1/2c peanut or almond butter, 1 or 2 chopped + pitted dates, 1/2 tbsp oil, 1/2 tsp vanilla–until flour-like…

BBQ Cauliflower Steaks, Garlicky Bok Choy, Kelp Noodle Bowl
Iyengar yoga class a…

BBQ Cauliflower Steaks, Garlicky Bok Choy, Kelp Noodle Bowl Iyengar yoga class a…

[ad_1] ?BBQ Cauliflower Steaks, Garlicky Bok Choy, Kelp Noodle Bowl? Iyengar yoga class and lunch with a bff today. Then a bike ride with the family minus the 2 who are still at sleep away camp in the wilderness. Wondering how they are coping. No phone calls allowed. Just good old-fashioned snail mail…. Crunchy kelp…

Homemade Nutella + Caramelized Banana Roll-UpsIf all we did everyday was to munc…

Homemade Nutella + Caramelized Banana Roll-UpsIf all we did everyday was to munc…

[ad_1] ?Homemade Nutella + Caramelized Banana Roll-Ups?If all we did everyday was to munch on these crepes and sip coffee…what would that feel like? Pretty awesome I’m thinking! ?Recipe Crepe Mix 1/2c spelt flour, 1/2c oat flour, 1c plant milk, 3tbsp oil, 1/2tsp vanilla, pinch salt. Cook on griddle/skillet. (I made the crepes a little…