Things have been a little crazy for me this past week…I’ve been a little absen…

Things have been a little crazy for me this past week…I’ve been a little absen…

[ad_1] Things have been a little crazy for me this past week…I’ve been a little absent on the blog. I set a goal for myself this month and I’m sticking to it – it involves lots of pictures, writing, and excess amounts of different foods. Any guesses on what I’m working on it? ?? ….

Gesunde Paleo Mohn Muffins  Wer liebt Mohn auch so?
Das Rezept für diese ges…

Gesunde Paleo Mohn Muffins Wer liebt Mohn auch so? Das Rezept für diese ges…

[ad_1] Gesunde Paleo Mohn Muffins ?? Wer liebt Mohn auch so? #paleo #vegan Das Rezept für diese gesunden Muffins gibts bald auf meinem Blog und YouTube Kanal #mrsflury . Die gesunden Muffins sind ein super Nachmittagsnack, wenn ihr Lust auf etwas Süsses habt und eignen sich auch gut zum Einfrieren . Ein Muffin liefert 200…

How to Build a Balanced Meal *Swipe for 4 examples!Protein >> Carbs >> Fats >> V…

How to Build a Balanced Meal *Swipe for 4 examples!Protein >> Carbs >> Fats >> V…

[ad_1] How to Build a Balanced Meal? *Swipe for 4 examples!Protein >> Carbs >> Fats >> Veggies????? ?Protein: Eggs/ Sausages ?Carbs: Beans/ plantains/ fruit ?Fats: Avocado/ nuts/ and eggs ?Veggies: Any! ✔️eggs are fat too! ✔️veggies are carbs too! Did you know that having some healthy fat for breakfast can help to avoid having cravings…

everything about this bowl has me like this: . but that’s also my most used emoj…

everything about this bowl has me like this: . but that’s also my most used emoj…

[ad_1] everything about this bowl has me like this: ?. but that’s also my most used emoji so apparently i feel like that a lot ??? when i was little i’d also react this way whenever an edible arrangement was delivered to our house because i’d inhale all the chocolate covered fruits, anyone else? this…

cashew cream cauliflower rice…ALMOST risotto. almost. either way it’s . cookin…

cashew cream cauliflower rice…ALMOST risotto. almost. either way it’s . cookin…

[ad_1] cashew cream cauliflower rice…ALMOST risotto. almost. either way it’s ?. cooking the cream into the rice as it softens makes it rich and creamy, super thick too! like a mac and cheese kinda thing ?? i used to make this a ton last semester but totally forgot about it until i saw it in…

Crispy salmon with veggies

Crispy salmon with veggies

[ad_1] Crispy salmon with veggies. Tag someone who would love this! . . . . By @choosing_balance . #paleo #eatinghealthy #paleodiet #cleaneats #wholefood #dairyfree #cleaneating #glutenfree #organic #organicfood #healthyeating #foodismedicine #healthyliving #foodie #eattogrow #healthy #healthyfood #healthychoice #healthyrecipes #healthymeals #healthyeats #whatsonmyplate #nutrition #plantbased #foodblogfeed #foodblogger #foodie #foodblog #healthycooking #health [ad_2] Source

ooooh baby. my favorite way to refuel after a workout (or after laying in bed al…

ooooh baby. my favorite way to refuel after a workout (or after laying in bed al…

[ad_1] ooooh baby. my favorite way to refuel after a workout (or after laying in bed all morning watching greys, i don’t judge ??‍♀️). im not a meal prep stickler but i always have roasted veggies and dips on hand for big bowls like these! the move lately? oven baked salmon and homemade cashew ricotta….

this stew is so good that i eat it for dinner and then again the next morning fo…

this stew is so good that i eat it for dinner and then again the next morning fo…

[ad_1] this stew is so good that i eat it for dinner and then again the next morning for breakfast. that’s love. since i don’t eat meat, lentils are a huge protein source for me! i eat them in salads and my lentil bolognese sauce, but my new favorite way is this hearty stew. so…

{nature’s energy bar} equal to better performance, far more nutrients and pay le…

{nature’s energy bar} equal to better performance, far more nutrients and pay le…

[ad_1] {nature’s energy bar} equal to better performance, far more nutrients and pay less ??? {my go-to post long run, or pre-workout, or before a race} – ?? Why chose added sugars, added fillers, added junk when you can get the {real deal, all the good stuff, with easy to grab, one ingredient??} FACTS?? Exercises??‍♀️benefits:…