More fat per 100 g than McDonald’s fries !…

⠀ VEGGIE STRAWS VS McDONALDS FRIES ⠀ More fat per 100 g than McDonald’s fries !…

[ad_1] ⠀ VEGGIE STRAWS VS McDONALDS FRIES ? ⠀ ❌More fat per 100 g than McDonald’s fries ???! ⠀ ⠀ 100 g Veggie straws: 22.6 g total fat & 483 calories VS 100 g McDonald’s fries: 16.8 g total fat and 319 calories ⠀ ❌Less than 100 calorie is cleverly advertised on the front but…

Let’s talk about belly fat. We all have it, even people who look like they have …

Let’s talk about belly fat. We all have it, even people who look like they have …

[ad_1] Let’s talk about belly fat. We all have it, even people who look like they have abs! Well the reality is you can’t really target just one area to reduce fat, but you can reduce fat overall, and some foods help reduce fat more than others! All of these help! _ Salmon ? has…

Iron is a mineral essential for life!

⠀ WORLD IRON AWARENESS WEEK! ⠀ Iron is a mineral essential for life! ⠀ ???? ⠀ Ir…

[ad_1] ⠀ WORLD IRON AWARENESS WEEK! ⠀ Iron is a mineral essential for life! ⠀ ???? ⠀ Iron helps your body cary oxygen in the blood, It gives us energy, helps us concentrate and fights off infection! ⠀ The amount of iron you need depends on your age and gender?????? ??. ⠀ There are 2…

Eating too much added sugar can have many negative health effects. An excess of …

Eating too much added sugar can have many negative health effects. An excess of …

[ad_1] Eating too much added sugar can have many negative health effects. An excess of sweetened foods and beverages can lead to weight gain, blood sugar problems and an increased risk of heart disease, among other dangerous conditions. If you want more selected info and follow my profile. Thanks ?Comment below ? ? Creds @starathletes_…

Hit that save fam
Back with another …

0 CALORIE THINGS PART 2 • Hit that save fam  @vcfitness_ • Back with another …

[ad_1] ? 0 CALORIE THINGS PART 2 ? • Hit that save fam ↗️ ? @vcfitness_ • Back with another close to 0 calorie food post! Y’all better get on these. • I love all of these and eat them on a weekly basis except for leek & cauliflower ? • Which ones your favourite? ???…

hey there everyone. I made this graphic to help YOU lose weight…

BURN MORE FAT . hey there everyone. I made this graphic to help YOU lose weight…

[ad_1] ?BURN MORE FAT? . ? hey there everyone. I made this graphic to help YOU lose weight. . ?Please remember that it takes 3500 calories to burn a single pound of fat! . ?If you use all 14 of these things and still eating tubs of Ice cream then these strategies won’t work! ….

These foods are not only low in calories but also super high in nutrients so thi…

These foods are not only low in calories but also super high in nutrients so thi…

[ad_1] These foods are not only low in calories but also super high in nutrients so this is a quick reminder to always add more fruits and veggies to your meals ?? To cover your nutrients, be full and satisfied while staying lean ?? – And if you think veggies taste boring then you just…

I ALWAYS get asked for an alternative to chocolate, and honestly is there an a…

⠀ I ALWAYS get asked for an alternative to chocolate, and honestly is there an a…

[ad_1] ⠀ I ALWAYS get asked for an alternative to chocolate, and honestly is there an alternative to chocolate? ??‍♀️ ⠀ These chocolate covered rice cakes are often purchased as a ‘healthy’ alternative to chocolate. I suggest just eating the chocolate ? you enjoy, but having it in a sensible portion, OR you can always…

EATING FOR YOUR GOALS  whether you’re cutting, bulking, maintaining or just chil…

EATING FOR YOUR GOALS whether you’re cutting, bulking, maintaining or just chil…

[ad_1] EATING FOR YOUR GOALS ?? whether you’re cutting, bulking, maintaining or just chilling it’s so important to ENJOY your food over anything. Great post from @charlotttequeen ? . We’re taught to be so afraid of calories and carbs, when in reality food is fuel and we need it to function ? Right now I…

One way to be good to your body is to include anti-inflammatory foods. The foods…

One way to be good to your body is to include anti-inflammatory foods. The foods…

[ad_1] One way to be good to your body is to include anti-inflammatory foods. The foods on the right contain compounds that have been shown to reduce anti-inflammatory markers in the body.⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Diets high in the foods on the left have been shown to increase to increase inflammation.⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ If you need omega-3s for…