100 Calorie Snacks Ideas
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100 Calorie Snacks Ideas . Tag a friend who would like to see this . Following…

[ad_1] 100 Calorie Snacks Ideas ? . Tag a friend who would like to see this ? . Following a Vegan diet encourages you to be more adventurous in the food department. You can no longer whip up the traditional 3 egg, 1 stick of butter cookie recipes that are so easily accessible to everyone….

What’s your favourite chocolate  ⠀
White Chocolate is not actually chocolate ⠀

What’s your favourite chocolate ⠀ White Chocolate is not actually chocolate ⠀ G…

What’s your favourite chocolate ? ⁉️⠀ White Chocolate is not actually chocolate ?⠀ Great post by @movingdietitian✨⠀ ⠀ TOP OF THE CHOCS?⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ All chocolate or chocolate alternatives should be consumed only sometimes and in small amounts. All contain similar calories.⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Yes dark chocolate has anti-oxidants but it has nothing on your fruit…

Super Simple 3-Ingredients Snacks!
By @grapestocrepes*Swipe to see all six id…

Super Simple 3-Ingredients Snacks! By @grapestocrepes*Swipe to see all six id…

Super Simple 3-Ingredients Snacks!??‍? By @grapestocrepes *Swipe to see all six ideas + below for details☺️xx ⠀ ? Which is your favourite?! ⠀ When you don’t have much time, you can still eat healthy! These simple snacks can be prepped ahead of time and ready to go when you need 🙂 ⠀ ⠀ 1️⃣ ???…

I talk a lot about flexible dieting, calculating your macros and then eating wi…

I talk a lot about flexible dieting, calculating your macros and then eating wi…

[ad_1] ???? I talk a lot about flexible dieting, calculating your macros and then eating within your macros. Yet sometimes I get questions because people don’t quite understand what that means. A lot of people see others on social media posting ?donuts, pizza ? , cake ?, and hashtagging #macros or #iifym, which sometimes leads…

. We love blaming our weight gain on rice. Malaysia is a ri…

IS RICE FATTENING? . . We love blaming our weight gain on rice. Malaysia is a ri…

[ad_1] ?IS RICE FATTENING?‼️ ?. . ?We love blaming our weight gain on rice. Malaysia is a rice producing nation… so yes, rice is a big part of our daily diet – but in case you thought rice is the culprit and the reason we gain weight… well, it’s not..?There’s SO many other apparently ‘healthy’…

Not so basic salads!  These are a few of my fav’s  Looking forward to getting ba…

Not so basic salads! These are a few of my fav’s Looking forward to getting ba…

[ad_1] Not so basic salads! ? These are a few of my fav’s ? Looking forward to getting back to making my own meals after a quick trip to Toronto and eating out for the past few days! _ ◾1) Pick a Green Base – Usually go with romaine lettuce, spring mix, or field greens…

More food, same weight!!
Creds @em_wizzfit
That’s right friends, 7 weeks sinc…

More food, same weight!! Creds @em_wizzfit – That’s right friends, 7 weeks sinc…

[ad_1] More food, same weight!! ? Creds @em_wizzfit✨ – That’s right friends, 7 weeks since my diet ended and I am eating 500 CALORIES MORE a day. And I’m the SAME WEIGHT (actually a little bit lighter but let’s not obsess over the details) ? – I am spreading the extra calories fairly evenly among…

Who wants to subjugate themselves to a life of eating bland food and never havin…

Who wants to subjugate themselves to a life of eating bland food and never havin…

[ad_1] Who wants to subjugate themselves to a life of eating bland food and never having any fun while eating? Seems like a lot of people fear that will be their fate if they start living a healthy lifestyle. – The good news is that this is really blown out of the water and doesn’t…